Publish dateWednesday 27 December 2023 - 16:06
Story Code : 283004
Holding the "Telecom" international exhibition in Tehran; Afghan companies
The 24th "Telecom" exhibition was held in Tehran International Exhibition with the presence of domestic and foreign companies and 80 people in the form of business delegations from 9 countries, including Afghanistan. The representatives of the Afghan technology companies that participated in this exhibition, in a conversation with the Ava reporter, emphasized the achievements, capacities and capabilities of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the field of telecommunications and information technology, on the need to use the experiences of this country and contract Various contracts were emphasized with Iranian companies instead of Chinese companies.
Afghan Vioce Agency (AVA) - Tehran: This exhibition in the field of telecommunications, information technology and digital economy with the slogan of digital transformation and connectivity, which will be held on Saturday, December 23, with the presence of more than 150 domestic companies and 6 Chinese companies, as well as the presence of some companies interested and visiting Afghanistan in an area of 21,000 meters was opened with the presence of the Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy of the President of Iran, it ended its work on Tuesday, December 25.

In this exhibition, we witnessed the presence of many knowledge-based, innovative companies, digital economy accelerators, technology parks, software and hardware manufacturers, and other companies, and some knowledge-based products were also unveiled.

Mohammad Hajizadeh, the head of the MIN company's field of technology in Afghanistan, told Ava reporter: The exhibition was excellent. My main goal of participating in this exhibition was to learn about Iran's technology field, so that we can take a shortcut to reach the goal quickly by using the experiences of Islamic Republic of Iran companies.

Referring to the common language and culture between Afghanistan and Iran, he said: holding such exhibitions is one of the ways that can be effective in improving relations, especially in terms of technological, industrial, economic and even cultural issues.

On the other hand, "Kainat Farhamand", the head of Western ICT Company from Kabul, who works in the field of FTTH (optical fiber for homes) and visited the Telecom exhibition, told Ava reporter: In this exhibition, there are many companies in Wi-Fi sectors. And we got to know FTTH, especially that in Afghanistan we have problems in the battery or power backup of our networks and we were able to talk about this problem with different Iranian companies.

Stating that the issue of FTTH is the main issue of Internet traffic in the whole world today, he said: There are many production companies in Iran that have a lot of experience in this field, and we are sure that we can use their capacities. to use them, we saw several companies that gave very good proposals, especially in the design and production of telecommunications devices, it was a very good experience for us, we were able to achieve good results and we hope to be able to close many of the contracts that we previously had with companies We had China, this time we will have it with Iranian companies.

Meanwhile, according to Ruhollah Dehghani Firouzabadi, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy of the President of Iran, the digital economy accounts for about 15% of the world's gross national product, which is one-seventh of the world's economy. In the meantime, the digital economy in Iran has room to grow 2.5 times compared to the global average and up to 5 times compared to the population.

But he emphasized: a large share of the digital economy has been developed by people and private companies and public sectors.

On the other hand, according to Majid Soltani, CEO of Iran Telecommunication Company: "Telkom" exhibition is an important brand that, considering the knowledge and potential that exists in Iran, this exhibition can be presented as a brand in the countries of the region.
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