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Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran;

Iran and Afghanistan have common interests in the field of security/ we conveyed our political and benevolent views to the Afghan delegation

6 Nov 2023 - 16:47

Referring to the visit of a high-ranking delegation of the interim government of Afghanistan headed by the deputy economic chief of the Islamic Emirate to Tehran, and the visit of this delegation of the Iranian foreign minister, the spokesman of the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs called the main issues raised between the two sides economic and added that besides that, Issues such as border issues, water rights, consular services and the issue of immigrants were discussed. With regard to the security cooperation between the two countries, Nasser Kanani emphasized that Iran and Afghanistan have common interests for cooperation in the security field, and in the framework of a benevolent view, they also conveyed their political views on the conditions of Afghanistan to the delegation of the Islamic Emirate.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Tehran: Nasser Kanani, the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran, who was speaking with domestic and foreign journalists today, Monday, November 6, in his weekly meeting, answered 4 questions, including the question of the AVA reporter about the developments in Afghanistan and the delegation's trip. The Islamic Emirate responded under the chairmanship of Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the economic deputy of the Prime Minister.
Regarding the trip of this delegation and the meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran, he said: The main topic of this meeting was economic issues. Iran's economic and commercial relations are long-standing. The coming and going of economic officials at different levels has been aimed at strengthening and consolidating these old relations. Border, water rights and consular issues have been and will be considered in bilateral talks.
This senior Iranian diplomat said: In yesterday's talks, the issue of water rights and border problems was raised. Regarding border conflicts, in the shadow of the exchange of opinions and consensus between the parties, it has been a considerable time that we have seen the least number of unfortunate incidents along the common borders. Good discussions were also held regarding the activation of borders and commercial crossings of the two countries and there is a consensus that the activation of commercial crossings should be done with the aim of expanding economic and commercial relations. Good discussions were also held about the use of Iran's transit corridors and Iran's ports.
He also answered a question that in the meeting of the delegation of the Islamic Emirate with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran, regarding the political positions of this country, regarding the political future of Afghanistan as well as the security cooperation between the two countries, especially the recent cooperation in uncovering a conspiracy of the regime's spy organization. Is there a discussion between Israel and the border between the two countries? He said: Iran and Afghanistan have common interests for cooperation. Considering the existence and activities of ISIS in Afghanistan and the region and the free and abandoned nuclei of this terrorist group, the two countries emphasize that they should cooperate on border security and providing common security, and this cooperation is based on common interests.
Stating that the US is seeking to fuel insecurity in the region by continuing to support and use terrorist groups, including ISIS, Kanani said: Iran and Afghanistan's security cooperation is based on common interests.
He further emphasized: The view of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the developments in Afghanistan is a view of benevolence and help to our brothers and sisters who are located in our common geography and in our historical and civilizational sphere, and we, within the framework of our benevolent view, express our political views on the conditions We transferred Afghanistan to the Afghan authorities and we are consulting and talking about this.
On the other hand, the spokesman of the Iranian Foreign Ministry said about the decision of the Pakistani government to deport its Afghan refugees in this cold season: this is an issue that should be seen in the context of Pakistan-Afghanistan relations, and the officials of the Pakistani government should comment on this matter.
But he continued: What is important for Iran is that the issue of Afghan refugees is the result of years of aggressive foreign occupation and 20 years of occupation by the American regime in Afghanistan, and with the difficult economic and livelihood situation and the destruction of Afghanistan's infrastructure, a large number of The people of Afghanistan were forced to leave their homeland under difficult conditions to find better conditions for life, even if temporarily.
Kanani noted: The Islamic Republic of Iran has looked at this issue as a humanitarian issue and has interacted with this issue in this framework.
He said: The issue of Afghan refugees is an international responsibility. We always raise this issue in multilateral and international meetings. Perhaps more than any other party in relation to the compensation of this damage and that the conditions of Afghanistan should be such that the Afghan people and immigrants return to their homes, it is the American government that should pay the compensations to the Afghan people.
This senior Iranian diplomat added: This issue has been the subject of our discussion with the Afghan authorities, and yesterday in a meeting held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this issue was raised that it is necessary to manage and plan the issue of immigrants. The conditions in Afghanistan should be such that the refugees return to their homeland, and in our internal sphere, due to the large population of displaced people in Iran, measures should be taken through joint exchange of views to reduce the problems caused by it and remove the obstacles to their return to their homeland in Afghanistan. 
Meanwhile, today, Monday November 6, is the third day of the trip of the high-ranking delegation of Afghanistan headed by Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar to Tehran. After the meeting of the special economic commission of the two countries hosted by the Minister of Agriculture of Iran, as well as the meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of this country, yesterday afternoon this delegation met and discussed with the Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
There is no news about today's plans of this delegation yet.

Story Code: 279900

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