Publish dateFriday 11 August 2023 - 13:37
Story Code : 274648
Implementation of the prisoner exchange agreement between Tehran and Washington
The media reported the agreement between Washington and Tehran to exchange prisoners between the two sides. According to reports, the United States and Iran have reached an agreement according to which Tehran will release five American prisoners in exchange for Tehran's access to six billion dollars of its frozen assets and the release of several Iranians imprisoned by the United States.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - International Service: The New York Times newspaper, which was the first American media to make this claim, wrote early last night Iran time that five American prisoners were freed from prison in exchange for the release of Iranians found guilty of violating sanctions. They will be. This newspaper also claimed that about 6 billion dollars of Iran's oil assets will be released.
According to this claim, as the first step in the implementation of this agreement, the Islamic Republic of Iran has released five dual-citizen prisoners from Tehran's Evin Prison and kept them under house arrest.
On the other hand, Ali Bagheri Keni, Iran's Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, also reacted to the news of the release of Iranian resources last night and wrote on his Twitter page that the process of releasing billions of dollars of Iranian assets, which have been illegally seized by the United States for several years, it has begun.
Bagheri Kenny emphasized that the Islamic Republic of Iran has received the necessary guarantee for America's adherence to its obligations.
In this regard, an informed source has said that the process of implementing the agreement between Iran and the United States for the exchange of prisoners and also the release of all Iranian money blocked in South Korea has begun. According to this report, in this process, Iran's money in Korea is supposed to be converted from Won (South Korea's currency) to Euro, which has been done and then it is supposed to be transferred to an account in Qatar to be available to Iran. take
The amount of Iranian money in South Korea that is about to be released is 6 billion dollars. After depositing this money into an account in Qatar, the exchange of prisoners is also done.
"Jared Gessner", the lawyer of one of these prisoners, also confirmed the matter of transferring the prisoners to house arrest. Repeating the narrative of the US government, which refers to the prisoners as "hostages", he said: "Iran's action in transferring the hostages from Evin prison to house arrest is an important development." Gesner is the lawyer of 51-year-old Siamak Namazi, who was sentenced to 10 years in prison in Iran in 2016 for cooperating with the American government.
According to him, on Thursday, four dual-citizen prisoners were transferred from Evin prison to a hotel in Tehran and will be kept there for a few weeks until they are allowed to board the plane.
Iran's representation in the United Nations has also confirmed the agreement between Tehran and Washington regarding the release of dual-citizen prisoners from Tehran prison.
This is despite the fact that previously, Nasser Kanani, the spokesman of the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said about the exchange of prisoners between Tehran and Washington that the exchange of prisoners is a humanitarian issue and they have had indirect talks with the American side since last year.
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