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President of Iran on Journalist Day:

Iran's strategy is to strengthen the faith and hope of the society/ the government and journalists have a common mission!

9 Aug 2023 - 9:11

The closing ceremony of the 21st National Media Festival of Iran yesterday, Tuesday, August 8, coincides with Journalist's Day in this country, with the presence of Ayatollah Sayed Ebrahim Raisi, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, as well as honoring the winners of this festival in various fields of news and honoring three media veterans. It was held in this country.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Tehran: Ayatollah Raisi said in a speech at this ceremony: the position of the narrator and reporter in our religious traditions and culture is very important, and swearing by the Qur'an to the pen is an oath to the pens from which the truths and divine teachings come. And the effort to save and uphold human rights emanates.
Referring to the new tools that transmit news in real time, he added: All these tools are for collecting and transmitting news, but the production of news is still done by human power, whose trust and reliability is very important and effective.
The President of Iran described the journalists as the forces of the front against the enemy's news, cultural and media channels to change the position of right and wrong and make the atmosphere dusty and stated: Today, the enemy's media and cognitive war requires media and cognitive defense and must be carefully examined. Which point and problem has the enemy targeted?
He considered the role of the media as a source of hope against the despair of the enemies and noted: Today, the strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran is to strengthen the faith and hope of the society, and the government and journalists have a common mission in this field.
Ayatollah Raisi further called the freedom of pen and expression one of the honors of the Islamic Republic of Iran and added: Today, thanks to the blood of martyrs and mujahedeen on the scene, these legitimate freedoms are guaranteed and the government and all governing bodies adhere to it.
Referring to Iran's remarkable achievements and progress over the past 2 years, especially in the growth of production, trade, oil production, non-oil exports, science and technology, and production tools, he stated: Today, despite all the threats and sanctions, we are witnessing growth in various sectors and measures It is done especially by knowledge-based and basic science companies, it is a source of pride and you should be proud of it.
Dr. Raisi also mentioned the issue of the JCPOA and sanctions lifting negotiations, and stating that Iran has never violated the agreement and never left the negotiating table, he emphasized: Today, despite having the upper hand and strong words, we trust the other side in the sanctions lifting negotiations. We will not do it, because we have seen them breaking the agreement many times, therefore, while advancing the negotiations with a dignified view, we are trying to neutralize the sanctions and self-sufficiency in agriculture, industry and other sectors by looking at the internal capacities. We have the upper hand in many fields in the region and the world, and today the world recognizes Iran as an advanced and technological country.
He further honored the memory of all media martyrs in Iran and the deceased writers on the need to pay attention to the demands of journalists and media in Iran, including paying attention to the capacity of provincial/provincial media, sexual justice in the media, and access to high-speed internet as a serious tool. And the importance of media activities, he emphasized the issue of housing for journalists by using the capacity of housing cooperatives, media diplomacy, job security and the difficulty of work of journalists.
The 17th of Asad (Solar Month) in the Islamic Republic of Iran is named as Journalist's Day in memory of Shahid Mahmoud Sarmi, a journalist of the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA), who killed in 1377 AH, along with 8 Iranian diplomats in an attack on the consulate of this country in the city of Mazar-e-Sharif. This day is celebrated every year.

Story Code: 274507

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