Publish dateSunday 25 June 2023 - 15:22
Story Code : 272334
IEA: We Want ‘Good Relations’ With World
Mawlawi Hibatullah Akhundzada, in a message on the arrival of Eid-al Adha, said that the Islamic Emirate wants good political and economic relations with the world.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA)_Monitoring, The message was released by the Islamic Emirate’s spokesman, Zabiullah Mujahid.
“Just as we do not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, in the same way we do not allow others to interfere in our internal affairs,” Mawlawi Hibatullah Akhundzada said in a letter published on Mujahid’s Twitter.
In the economic sector, he said, the “prediction of the country's economic collapse and crisis has been proven wrong.”
According to Akhundzada, the economic collapse was prevented as a result of the Islamic Emirate's “wise measures, sincerity and transparency."
He also referred to the drugs issue, saying that the cultivation of poppy has been eradicated in the country and that “farmers are looking for alternatives, and legal cultivation is expanding.”
“Meanwhile, ban has imposed on production, trafficking and use of all kinds of drugs and now, many citizens, specially the youth are saved from this harm,” Mawlawi Akhnudzada said.
Regarding the rights of women, he claimed that concrete measures have been taken to save women from many traditional oppressions, including forced marriages and their Sharia rights have been protected.
“Moreover, necessary steps have been taken for the betterment of women as half of the society in order to provide them with a comfortable and prosperous life according to the Islamic Sharia,” he said.
“The negative aspects of the past 20-year occupation related to women’s Hijab and misguidance will end soon.”
There was no mention of education of Afghan girls and women in the message.
Mawlawi Akhundzada also said he strongly condemns "Israel’s brutal act on Palestinian women, children and defenceless Muslims" and asked other countries to "do their duty in order to prevent this great human crime and cruel atrocities.”
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