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Raising disputes in the German coalition government over the issue of refugees

28 May 2023 - 14:31

A German media reported the rise of disputes in the German coalition government over the issue of EU refugee policy.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): The German newspaper "Tags Spiegel" reported in an article about the rise of disputes in the German coalition government over the issue of EU refugee policy and wrote: "In the so-called traffic light coalition in Germany, about politics there is a dispute between EU refugees.
According to Tasnim, on the eve of the important meeting of the European Union centered on refugees, the Greens distance themselves from the agreement with the Social Democratic and Liberal Democratic parties, which envisages stricter control over immigrants at the external borders of the European Union.
Schleswig-Holstein's Social Affairs Minister Aminata Toure of the Green Party ruled out following the asylum process at the EU's external borders for migrants.
Looking at the disastrous Greek refugee camp Moria, he told Tagus Spiegel: Such procedures mean that there will be many camps like Moria in the future.
On the other hand, Nancy Pfizer, the German Federal Minister of the Interior, wants to stick to the agreement reached in the traffic light coalition. He told Tagus Spiegel: "Our common position in the federal government is very clear: we protect people who have fled war and terror." In justifying his strict policies, he said: "In order to continue this work, we must limit illegal immigration."
According to Pfizer, the Common European Asylum System already ensures reliable identification, registration and screening of people at the EU's external borders. He is of the opinion that the decision of EU member states on the so-called screening regulations was an important development.
The German interior minister said that the current negotiations at the EU level on border procedures are about deciding in a short period of time about the protection of people who have little prospect of asylum in the EU. He claimed that the federal government is committed to the continuous protection of human rights and fair procedures and the rule of law at the external borders of the European Union.
According to the German official, reliable control of the EU's external borders is very important so that we can remain an open-border Europe internally, and thus preserve one of the EU's most important achievements. At the same time, agreement needs to be reached on amending the current Dublin rules to prevent secondary illegal migration - that is, uncontrolled movement to other EU countries - Pfizer said.

Story Code: 270816

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