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Work On Bakhshabad Dam Started

21 May 2023 - 13:29

The first phase of the Bakhshabad Dam’s construction in Farah province began.

Afghan Voice Agency(AVA)_Monitoring, According to a statement released by the Deputy PM’s Office for economic affairs, the construction of the Bakhshabad Dam in the Farah Province was officially launched by the Deputy Prime Minister for economic affairs, Abdul Ghani Baradar and the Minister of Water and Energy, Abdul Latif Mansoor.

During the inauguration ceremony, Abdul Ghani Baradar promised that the current administration would complete the dam’s construction in the near future.
He emphasized that their dedication went beyond just words and that they would diligently do the required tasks.

“We should have attempted to complete the work of the dam this year urgently. The water that has been wasted should have been reserved this year,” Baradar said.

The Ministry of Energy and Water estimates that the dam’s construction will cost $430 million, and the current administration requires public support to raise the necessary funds.

You may now pay because we have set up a bank account. Abdul Latif Mansour, acting minister of energy and water, said, “The company will complete its task, and God willing, you and we will construct this dam in a year.

The Bakhshabad dam, an essential infrastructure in Afghanistan, will provide a crucial water source for irrigation, electricity production, and drinking water supply. The government’s dedication to enhancing the quality of life for its people and advancing sustainable development across the country is demonstrated by the completion of this project.

Additionally, the dam’s ability to produce hydroelectric power will support the energy industry and provide the local communities with a reliable source of electricity.

Story Code: 270391

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