Publish dateThursday 16 February 2023 - 14:51
Story Code : 265593
A delegation from the Ministry of Health of the Islamic Republic of Iran is traveling to Afghanistan
The Acting Minister of Public Health of the Islamic Emirate, in an interview with AVA reporter in Tehran, stated that he had many meetings with the officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran and reached an understanding in various sectors, and announced the visit of a delegation from the Ministry of Health of this country to Afghanistan in the near future. To see the health capacities of the country closely and determine the fields of cooperation in the future. The special assistant of the Minister of Health of the Islamic Republic of Iran also confirmed this early visit in an interview with Ava reporter, so that they can get to know the needs of Afghanistan closely.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Tehran: Dr. Qalandar Ebad, who was talking to AVA reporter on the sidelines of the closing of the first meeting of blood transfusion managers of G5 member countries in Tehran, referring to his two trips to Iran in the last 5 months for Participating in the G5 group meeting, he said: The fundamental purpose of the G5 conference is how these five member countries of the World Health Organization can work together to prevent diseases that are transmitted from one country to another.
He continued that this time at the G5 conference, for the first time, the five countries of Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Iraq and Tajikistan, in cooperation with the International Health Organization, are working on preparing a blood bank in Afghanistan to meet the blood needs of our compatriots.
The Acting Minister of Public Health noted the topics discussed at the first meeting of blood transfusion managers of the G5 member countries: For example, we discussed in this conference how we can convince people to donate blood voluntarily and to diagnose diseases that are in the blood, we should have standard laboratories. Also, the discussion of cooperation between institutes working in the blood sector in these five countries was raised to share our experiences with each other.
According to him, the G5 conference was a successful program and I hope that the understandings that were made will be implemented. If we implement the issues raised in this conference, the problems in the blood sector will be solved; we will have advanced and well-equipped laboratories, and when necessary, we will have blood for patients who need blood.
In response to another question about the main points of negotiations with the Iranian authorities and the understandings reached, Dr. Ebad said: We had many meetings with the authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran and in the areas of capacity building, specialized programs for Afghan doctors, technology, nursing, We reached an understanding on providing first aid to the patient and various other departments.
According to him, in the near future, a delegation from the Islamic Republic of Iran will travel to Afghanistan and they will see the situation in Afghanistan closely, and after this trip, we will see how many people and in which departments should be sent to Iran for training and practical work.
Meanwhile, Dr. Qalandar Ebad, Acting Minister of Public Health of the Islamic Emirate, in a meeting with the Minister of Health of the Islamic Republic of Iran, also invited Dr. Bahram Ainullahi to visit Kabul in order to strengthen bilateral relations in the field of health.
In this case, Dr. Mohammad Hussain Niknam, Special Assistant to the Minister and Director General of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Health of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in an interview with AVA reporter, confirmed the sending of a delegation from this ministry to Afghanistan in the near future and emphasized: We have no feelings of ambivalence with Afghanistan. We don't have and we are interested to do whatever we can.
He pointed out that the visit of the Minister of Health of Afghanistan and his accompanying delegation to Iran allowed them to get acquainted with the capabilities of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the field of health and treatment, and we with their needs.
For this reason, the special assistant of Iran's health minister added that Iran will soon make a trip to Afghanistan and many of the plans that have been on paper until now will be implemented.
He stated that the arrogant countries with their presence in Afghanistan have ruined many areas and harmed many areas, including health, and emphasized that the Islamic Republic of Iran is ready for any kind of assistance for the people of Afghanistan and this considers it his duty to help and cooperate with the Afghan brothers and sisters in the needed areas. Our recommendation is that Afghanistan's health system should be strengthened and prevention mechanisms, which are far less expensive than treatment, should be adopted. The Islamic Republic of Iran has good experiences in this field and can partner with Afghanistan.
At the same time, the conclusion of the first meeting of blood transfusion managers of G5 member countries in Tehran was attended by Dr. Qalandar Ebad, Acting Ministry of Public Health of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, Dr. Ahmad Al Manzari, Director General of the Eastern Mediterranean Region of the World Health Organization, Dr. Mohammad Hussain Niknam, Assistant It was held especially for the Minister and Director General of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Health of Iran, as well as Mustafa Jamali, CEO of Iran Blood Transfusion Organization, in the afternoon of Wednesday, February 15, at Tehran's Isteghlal Hotel.
Examining the status of blood transfusion services in the member countries, examining the possibility of expanding cooperation between members to solve challenges and provide common interests in the field of blood transfusion were the main goals of this two-day meeting.
Voluntary blood donation, preparation of blood components, blood screening systems and new technologies to improve the health and quality of blood products, the four axes of the first meeting of blood transfusion managers of the G5 member countries with the presence of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Tajikistan and the World Health Organization in Tehran.
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