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On the occasion of the anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution;

Kazemi Qomi: The Iranian nation can be a model for all nations in the current historical turn

11 Feb 2023 - 10:02

At the same time as the anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution is approaching, Dr. Hassan Kazemi Qomi, the ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Afghanistan, has issued a message congratulating all justice-seeking nations on this occasion, saying that the nation and the system of the Islamic Republic of Iran are in the current historical curve in which the Islamic Ummah can serve as a model for other nations.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): At the same time as the 44th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution, Dr. Hassan Kazemi Qomi, the ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Afghanistan, released a video of the days of Fajr and the victory of the Islamic Revolution to the people of Iran and all justice-seeking nations. Congratulations.
Dr. Kazemi Qomi said in this video: I congratulate the honorable and resistant nation of Iran and all freedom-loving and justice-loving nations on the 44th anniversary of revolution, the blessed decade of Fajr and the victory of the Islamic Revolution.
Referring to the passage of forty-four years since the victory of the revolution and the formation of the Islamic Republic of Iran, he has pointed out that in the course of more than four decades, with all the ups and downs that the people of this country faced, but the Iranian nation has been on the way to growth and They have advanced their growth and development through the path of struggle, martyrdom and resistance.
The ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Afghanistan has stated that the enemies of the Iranian nation did not stop any kind of conspiracy from coup to economic sanctions, imposed war, terrorist movements and political pressures, and said: "Today, with all the pressures brought by the enemy and our country, although is facing a series of livelihood problems; But the indicators of development and construction in Iran are in excellent scores.
In the end, the special representative of the President of Iran on Afghanistan has expressed his hope that the Iranian nation will continue the path of resistance, unity, solidarity and construction with authority, in accordance with the emphasis of the Imams of the Islamic Revolution, and that the system of the Islamic Republic of Iran, as an independent system, will be able to survive in the current environment. And the historical curve in which the Islamic Ummah is located should be considered as a model for other nations.
It should be mentioned that the days of the ten days of Fajr and the 22nd of Bahman are the anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran under the leadership of Imam Khomeini (RA) in 1357 AH. On this day, the people of Iran responded to the call of the leader of the Islamic Revolution by overthrowing the 2500-year-old monarchy, and after a short period of time at the polls, they chose the Islamic Republic system to govern their country.

Story Code: 265270

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