Publish dateMonday 16 January 2023 - 09:25
Story Code : 263858
Discovery of confidential documents in Joe Biden
Following the discovery of confidential documents in the former home and office of US President Joe Biden; Now the Democrats are facing more psychological and social pressures for the upcoming elections and explanations regarding these documents.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Hill's website added: The Democrats' concern is that the discovery of confidential documents will overshadow the expectations about the re-election campaigns of US President Joe Biden.
They claim that Biden can certainly overcome this problem, but the discovery of a large number of confidential documents will make it difficult for the president on the eve of his election campaigns.
In their private meetings, Democrats are wondering how Biden will be able to explain what happened, comparing it to the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's email scandal. In this scandal, Clinton, as the former US Secretary of State, admitted that she used her private e-mail to conduct government business.
According to Hill, the controversy over the discovery of confidential documents in the office of Biden's former workplace and home is a boon for Republicans; because it makes it more difficult for Democrats to attack former US President Donald Trump because of the FBI's investigation of his Florida residence. In the investigation of the federal police in August 2022, such confidential documents were discovered in Trump's residence and resort.
A strategic science expert affiliated with the Democrats, who asked not to be named, said in this context: This will be a big problem for Biden. Republicans are usually good at beating the drum on scandals, and even though the situation is somewhat in Biden's favor now, and his situation is completely different from Trump's, Republicans will treat it as a big deal.
The controversy over the discovery of confidential documents has also raised doubts about Biden's decision to participate in the elections and has intensified the media's pressure on American government officials about the impact of this news on Biden's decision.
The US President's senior adviser on public relations told reporters on Friday that Biden should answer this question himself.
The White House recently admitted that US President Joe Biden's lawyers have discovered more classified documents at his home in Wilmington, Delaware.
White House lawyer Richard Sauber announced on Saturday local time that six pages of classified documents were found during a search of Biden's private library. The White House previously said that only one page of classified documents was found at the site.
According to reports, a total of 10 classified documents dating from 2013 to 2016 were discovered in Biden's private university office on November 2, 2022. Among these documents, there is a case related to Beau Biden, the son of the current US president, who died of brain cancer in 2015.
The American media, quoting "an informed source", reported that last fall, classified documents related to Iran, Ukraine, and England, related to Joe Biden's time as vice president in Barack Obama's administration, were discovered in his private residence.
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