Publish dateThursday 5 January 2023 - 14:03
Story Code : 263437
Signing the Amu oil extraction contract with the Chinese company; Afghanistan will export oil in three years
Shahabuddin Delawar, Acting Minister of Mines and Petroleum, at the ceremony of "Amu oil extraction contract with a Chinese company", emphasizing that with the start of oil extraction from this field, Afghan oil will be exported to other countries in three years. He said that 540 million dollars have been invested in this project and job opportunities will be created for more than three thousand tons.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Oil extraction contract between the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum and the Chinese company CPIAC, today, Thursday January 5, 2023 in the presence of Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar; It was signed by the economic deputy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Sheikh Shahabuddin Delawar, Acting Minister of Mines and Petroleum, said: Based on the order of the leadership of the Islamic Emirate and the guidance of the Prime Minister and the Economic Deputy of the Ministry of Economy, today we will sign an oil extraction contract with a Chinese company.
According to the information of the Acting Ministry of Mines and Petroleum, the total area of the land is 4500 square kilometers, which includes Qashgari, Zamardsai, Bazarkami, Aq Darya and Angut areas in Sarpol, Jawzjan and Faryab provinces.
He further stated that based on the information, currently, in 5 explored areas, 87 million oil barrels are estimated, and with the exploration of more areas, the daily production of Qashgari oil and gas project will reach from 200 tons to 1000 tons.
Shahabuddin Delawar stated that with the start of oil extraction from this area, within three years, Afghan oil will be exported to other countries of the world.
Acting Minister of Mines and Petroleum adds that according to this contract, oil and petroleum products will be processed in Afghanistan itself and according to the terms of this contract, the contracted company is supposed to invest 150 million dollars in the first year and in the next three years the total capital The investment will reach 540 million dollars, which will be favorable for 3 thousand tons of work by implementing this project.
On the other hand, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the economic deputy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said: During the last one year, important works have been done in the direction of the country's economic growth and self-sufficiency, and several projects have recently been approved by the Economic Commission, which, by implementing them, will contribute to the prosperity of the country. Basic steps will be taken for the country and public welfare.
The economic deputy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs considered the signing of this contract as important for the country's self-sufficiency and asked the contracted company to carry out oil extraction and petroleum products in accordance with international standards and provide public benefit services to the local people.
He also asked the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum to comprehensively monitor the implementation of the provisions of the contract and refer the issue to the Economic Commission as soon as possible if a problem arises.
Wank Yu, the Chinese ambassador residing in Kabul, who was also present at the event, expressed his satisfaction with the signing of the contract and said: This contract is important for the economic growth and self-sufficiency of Afghanistan and is a good example of cooperation and interaction between the two countries.
He asked the contracting company to carefully perform the assigned tasks according to the provisions of the contract and also asked the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum to provide the effective implementation of this contract in close coordination with the contracting company.
It should be remembered that the Amu Darya oil field in the north of Afghanistan is one of the oil-rich parts of the country, which is located in the provinces of Sar-e-pol and Faryab.
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