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Iran's Ministry of Foreign Affairs in response to the positions of some western countries;

Governments that have resorted to violence against the demands of their people have no right to comment on Iran's actions

10 Dec 2022 - 10:16

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran reacted to the "interventionist positions" of some Western countries and their officials in the internal affairs of this country.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Tehran: While following the execution of one of the rioters and disrupters of security in the city of Tehran following the recent riots, many European countries and America reacted to this execution, Nasser Kanani, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran, by condemning the "interventionist new positions" of some western countries and their officials in Iran's internal affairs, stated: Just as "law enforcement" and "establishment of public security" are the duties of governments, effective and deterrent counteraction against any law-breaking, creating Chaos and promotion of insecurity in the society is one of the obvious and necessary responsibilities of governments, including the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
He added that, based on its internal laws and regulations, the Islamic Republic of Iran acts in the direction of protecting people's rights and security and public order and preventing the occurrence of crimes and emphasizes and specifies its inherent competence in this field.
This is despite the fact that Germany has recently been the scene of intense and violent clashes between the security forces and the protesters against the policies of the government of this country. There have been similar approaches in other European countries such as England and France, as well as in America, but these countries follow a one-roof-and-two-air approach regarding their domestic and foreign policy.
The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran added that the governments that resort to violence against the civil and peaceful demands of the people of their country and officially and publicly order severe suppression of the protesters, have no right regarding the actions of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the field of implementing the laws of the country and Issuing judgments in a completely legal channel in order to deal with open violence and maintain public order and security of the country and the people of Iran.
He continued, it is regrettable that this group of countries, which since the beginning of the recent developments in Iran, have committed violations of international laws and regulations, with political deceitful positions and with obvious and non-obvious appeals to various interventionist methods, and with the slogan of support Human rights or women's rights, they incited and promoted violence against the integrity of the nation and the national security of Iran, now they are speaking as bloodthirsty and worried about the safety of Iranian citizens.
Kanani, pointing out that many European governments have directly and indirectly violated the human, legal and even the right to life of the citizens of our country by following and accompanying the cruel and illegal sanctions of the American regime against the Iranian nation, and with pharmaceutical sanctions and treatment caused the killing of many Iranian citizens, he added: The betrayal of these countries to the Iranian people has been proven many times and they are not in a position to address the Islamic Republic of Iran system in the field of protecting the rights of the Iranian people.
Kanani added that the Islamic Republic of Iran, while recognizing the legal rights of the people in peaceful criticism and protest and commitment to respecting the rights of its citizens, considers the provision of public security of the people as one of its main responsibilities.
In the end, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized: The public opinion of the Iranian people will never forget the actions of some European regimes in violating the human rights of the Iranian people, especially Iranian women, youth and children in various fields, and they are responsible and bound in this regard.
Meanwhile, in a phone call with his Dutch counterpart, Iran's Foreign Minister criticized the double standards of Western countries regarding human and women's rights and their interventionist positions regarding Iran's internal issues and added that the attempt to incite the youth and Iranian women on the part of some Western officials and circles and using the media as a tool for this purpose was an unproductive action in the diplomatic field, which led to the spread of violence and terrorist acts in Iran.
Iran's foreign minister described the German government's stance on the recent disturbances in this country as "hypocritical" and stated that countering terror, violence and hatred is an explicit international responsibility.
Following the execution of Mohsen Shekari, one of the detainees of the recent riots in Iran, the German Foreign Ministry has summoned the Iranian ambassador to Germany.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran responded to this action and added: Public security is a red line. An armed and destructive attack cannot be tolerated, even for those Western regimes that have found an opportunity to hypocritically address Iran. Instead of showing its dishonesty, the West should stop hosting, supporting and encouraging terrorists.

Story Code: 262071

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