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Hussaini Mazari's reaction to the closure of the Iraqi border to Afghan pilgrims;

The government of Iraq and the scholars of Najaf and Qom should help and work to open the border to Afghan visitors

29 Sep 2022 - 10:44

Hojjat al-Islam wal-Muslimin Sayed Isa Hussaini Mazari, the head of Tebyan Cultural and Social Activities Center, in response to the blocking of the Iraqi borders to the Afghan pilgrims and the broken and hopeless hearts of these pilgrims, expressed regret that the Muslim people of Afghanistan were prevented from attending the Arbaeen pilgrimage. While appreciating and thanking the governments and nations of Iran and Iraq for organizing this ceremony and the journey of the immigrants living in Iran as well as a number of compatriots inside the country, requested the government of Iraq and the authorities living in Najaf and Qom to reopen They should help and try to open the border of Iraq to the visitors of Afghanistan, otherwise, the hands of our loving and heartbroken people will be frozen by the officials from Iraq who could have done something, but they didn't.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: The full text of the declaration of Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimin Sayed Isa Hussaini Mazari, head of Tebyan Center for Cultural and Social Activities, regarding the closure of the Iraqi border to Afghan visitors, is as follows:
Visiting Afghanistan and waiting for the opening of the Iraqi border
Expecting Iraqi officials to open the border for Afghan visitors
Remittance of Iraqi work-breakers or defaulters to the martyrs of Karbala
Although this year, the Arbaeen pilgrimage ceremony of Hosseini, (AS), was held much more magnificently and more crowded than every year, and certainly, both the government and the Iraqi nation left no stone unturned in providing the grounds and conditions for its splendor, but it is a matter of regret that the Muslim people of Afghanistan They did not attend this spiritual ceremony.
Although a small number of them were able to reach by air, more than 90 percent of the pilgrims arrived at Shalamcheh border after days of waiting and enduring various hardships. They returned disappointed and have spent their time in Mashhad, Qom and other cities of Iran until now, and they are still waiting for an opening to be created so that they can reach the heights of excellence in Iraq.
Therefore, in addition to acknowledging and thanking the governments and nations of Iran and Iraq, who played a significant role in organizing this year's Arbaeen ceremony, and who provided the necessary cooperation in the journey of the immigrants residing in Iran, as well as a number of compatriots in my country, the Iraqi government and the authorities residing in Najaf and Qom I earnestly request them to help and work for the opening of the Iraqi border to Afghan visitors, otherwise, the hands of our loving and heartbroken people will be frozen in the doomsday by Iraqi officials, both governmental and non-governmental, who could have done something but did not.
The remittance of these officials carelessly or intentionally to our Mullah and Muqtada, Imam Hussain, Abul Fazl al-Abbas, Zainab, peace be upon him, and other martyrs of Karbala, and I am sure that the pilgrimage of our compatriots, because they made up their minds and have traveled a large part of the way, did not reach the heights of the highness. It has been accepted, but the heavy punishment will be for those Iraqis who could have prepared the ground for the presence of the pilgrims but did not.
Sayed Isa Hussaini Mazari
September 29, 2022
More than 5,000 Afghan pilgrims traveled to the Islamic Republic of Iran with the light of an Iraqi tourist company called Balad al-Shams and the Iraqi Consulate in Mashhad and paid more than the set rate to enter Iraq, but despite the promises, the border was still closed. Many efforts were made in this direction, even the protest gathering of Afghan pilgrims at the Shalamcheh border, but despite many promises, nothing was done and these pilgrims returned from the Shalamcheh border. Even some reports indicate that the air border has been blocked for these pilgrims. Nevertheless, the Afghan Arbaeen Hussaini pilgrims from inside the country, with broken hearts and tearful eyes because of not being able to reach Iraq, these days have reached out to the sultan of Khorasan, Imam Ali bin Musa al-Reza (a.s.).

Story Code: 259141

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