Publish dateSaturday 3 September 2022 - 13:18
Story Code : 258029
American weapons on the way to Taiwan/China: We will retaliate
America plans to give $1.1 billion in weapons, including radar and tracking systems, and advanced missiles to Taiwan; this has angered China and threatened to take retaliatory measures if arms are sent to Taiwan.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): This weapons package includes radar and air and missile attack warning systems worth 655 million dollars and 355 million dollars for 60 Harpoon missile firing systems, which are also capable of targeting warships.
The Pentagon also said that surface-to-air and air-to-air missiles worth about 90 million dollars are part of these weapons.
At the same time as announcing these details, the spokesperson of the US Ministry of Defense said that these weapons are necessary to ensure the security of Taiwan. He asked China to reduce its military, diplomatic and economic pressure on Taiwan and enter into serious negotiations with the Taiwanese government.
The Pentagon spokesman added: This arms sales plan is part of our usual process in support of Taiwan, which is modernizing its military and seeking to maintain its defense capability.
This decision of Washington is announced only a few weeks after the controversial visit of Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, to Taiwan. Ms. Pelosi, who is the most powerful Democrat in the US Congress, was the country's most senior official to visit Taiwan in the past 25 years.
At the same time, the Chinese embassy in Washington asked the White House to reverse this decision or wait for Beijing's retaliatory measures.
Liu Penjiu, the spokesperson of the Chinese embassy, ​​said that this arms deal seriously endangers the relations between Washington and Beijing.
This spokesperson of the Chinese government added: At the same time as this decision becomes more serious, China will resolutely take necessary and legal measures in response to it.
Beijing considers the autonomous island of Taiwan as part of its territory and insists on integrating it with its territory; Even if this requires the use of military power.
In this regard, last month, China held a large-scale military exercise around Taiwan, which was a reaction to the visit of a high-level American delegation to Taiwan, headed by Nancy Pelosi.
The plan to deliver US military weapons to Taiwan still needs to go to the US Congress from the White House and be approved there, but due to the unity of Democrats and Republicans in support of Taiwan, this plan can be considered approved by the Congress.
According to the American newspaper Wall Street Journal, the Pentagon formed a special task force last month whose mission is to examine and prepare plans for the sale of military weapons to foreign countries.
Representatives of the US Congress, who have a strong alliance in support of Taiwan, say that requests to purchase weapons from Taiwan have remained unanswered for years. Including the request to purchase Harpoon and Stinger missiles, which, according to the report of the Defense News website, the United States delivered these types of missiles to Ukraine instead of Taiwan
It should be noted that the relations between China and the United States have been severely strained after the visit of Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the US House of Representatives, to Taiwan last month. China considers Taiwan a part of its mainland that one day it will join China even by force.
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