Publish dateSunday 28 August 2022 - 09:48
Story Code : 257720
Immigrant banking restrictions make economic work in Iran difficult/ not being dependent is not an honor/ our problems are caused by lack of political analysis.
The weekly prayer ceremony was held in the hall of Shaheed Misbah of Tabian Center in Mashhad. Hujjat-ul-Islam Wal-Muslimin Sayed Isa Hussaini Mazari, saying that the Tabian center is present in the lives of refugees and works to solve them, said: We criticize and protest against the related violations. Why is the banking situation at the refugee level such that traders, investors and the general refugee population are losing hundreds or even thousands of billions of Tomans? This is very bad for the refugees as well as for the Islamic Republic, and it discredits a country's economic system. When the Central Bank of Iran makes such a mistake, it harms the reputation of the investment and endangers the work of the economy in this country
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Mashhad: Hussaini Mazari said at the beginning of his speech: Prayer and supplication are the two wings of man's flight towards God and worship, and that prayer and supplication are effective when a person acts according to the concepts of prayer. . In this regard, he said: It is not that we do not accept any kind of hardship and suffering and we are satisfied only with dhikr and seeking forgiveness. If we limit ourselves to just these two, we will get nowhere and we will not achieve anything significant. Rather, a person should follow all the religious, moral and religious aspects of the religion and build himself up and be ready to struggle to reach the higher concepts of prayer.
The head of Tebyan Center described the characteristics of Mahdavi and Imam Zamani and said: One of the characteristics of Imam Zamani is that he has a political spirit. Those who are interested in being associated with the Imam of the time and love and follow him, must have a political spirit and have a political opinion and analysis about the society and today's issues and the situations around them. They must know where to navigate the chaos of political debate and how to take effective steps to prepare the ground for emergence.
He explained: If we do not have political spirit in our lives, we will surely go astray. Those who made a mistake on the day of Ashura and did not accept the way of Imam Hussain (a.s.) and remained neutral or were on the front against Imam Hussain (a.s.) There was no analysis. Most of the elements who stood against Imam Hussain (a.s.) were foolish and ignorant people who were misguided due to the lack of political spirit.
Hussaini Mazari, stressing that the Islamic society should have political understanding and analysis today, said: The enemy is definitely trying to remove us from this field. avoid From their point of view, politics is bad for Muslims, but it is good for them. Having a political spirit is not bad for Muslims, but good for them. But one must ask that if it is bad, then why are the politicians sitting in this queue?!
Pointing out that nothing in Islam is non-political and the Quran, the Prophet and our imams are political, he said: Our Afghans must have a political spirit and live in this spirit in every aspect. The problems we have in Afghanistan are due to the lack of political spirit and lack of political analysis. The problems and sufferings we have in the field of refugees is the lack of political analysis at the level of our immigrant community, whether at the level of scholars, academics or the general public.
This expert on social issues explained: Today, the refugees in the Islamic Republic of Iran are facing various problems in all areas, and while the Islamic Republic has very good capacities and facilities for us; But because we don't have political spirit, we can't make proper use of this space and capacities and do anything to solve our problems, and we can't listen to the flow that works properly in this area.
The head of the Tebyan center said that the center is working to solve the problems of the refugees. Why do these problems exist at the immigration level? Why is the situation of banks at refugee level such that traders, investors, traders and common people of our refugees are losing hundreds or even thousands of billions of Tomans? This is very bad for the refugees and also for the Islamic Republic. It discredits the economic system of a country. We are looking for investors and businessmen from different countries to come to the Islamic Republic and invest here. We have had these announcements in Europe, Afghanistan and different places, but we see that the central bank is making such a mistake, harming investment and endangering Iran's economic affairs.
Despite this, Hasina Mazari explained: We criticize this situation and we speak our words like men and we don't like to be silent, but all these problems should not lead to leaving this system if we If we think of not supporting this system, then we should understand that if we are followers of Imam Khomeini (RA), he says that protecting this system is one of the obligations, it is more obligatory on us than prayer and fasting.
In describing the second characteristic of Imam Zaman's followers, he pointed out that they act in a regular manner and said: Fear in life is stupidity. Those who are not organized and do not act in a central framework, lose both this world and the next, why? Because basically, the problem of organization is a principle of creation and the formation system is based on organizational movement. Our Sharia is also based on an organized movement. If you look at the Qur'an, look at the innocent Imams (AS) and all the religious movements, only those religious movements that are based on a regular movement will produce results. Irregular and disorganized movements will never succeed.
The third characteristic of Imam Zaman (peace be upon him) is to think about the establishment of an Islamic government. Referring to the above point, Hussaini Mazari said: If people do not think of forming a government like some gentlemen, their slogan is that the government is not our work, it is the work of Imam Zaman (AJ), and whenever it appears. , he will rule. Our task is to prepare the ground for the establishment of the Mahdawi government by establishing Islamic governments. If we do not think about the establishment of an Islamic government, then a part of our work will definitely be lost and problems will continue to face us.
The interpretation of Hujjat-ul-Islam wa-Muslimin Hussaini Mazari's speech in this ceremony is as follows:
اعوذ بالله من الشیطان الرجیم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
الحمدلله رب العالمین و به نستعین 
First of all, I offer my condolences to you dear countrymen in the days and nights of the mourning of Hazrat Aba Abdullah al-Hussein, peace be upon him, and his friends. May the martyrdom be accepted and accepted. Later, I would like to thank Mr. Hamid Karimi for organizing such a meeting in which a group of believers participates and prays. Considering that the opportunity is short and I am traveling, but I promised Mr. Karimi that I will talk to you about two topics and then we will pray.
Prayer and supplication are the two wings of man's flight to God
The first point is that prayer and supplication are the two wings or factors of man's flight towards God and worship. Humans definitely need the prayers of the innocent Imams (AS) in their lives. It is not possible for a human being to reach a place in the world without supplication and forgiveness. Naturally, a person faces hardships and difficulties at different stages of life, and there are such difficult knots in his life path that cannot be resolved without prayer and forgiveness, and there is no way to get rid of them. This is the point where people, especially Muslims and Shiites, need to pray to Imam Ali (peace be upon him).
Acting in harmony with the concepts of prayer is the main condition for effectiveness
The second point is that prayer will be effective when a person acts according to the concepts of prayer. It's not that we don't make any effort and don't suffer any kind of pain and we are content only with dua and asking for forgiveness. If we rely only on prayer and supplication, we will get nowhere and achieve nothing significant. So, if we want to achieve what is mentioned in the prayer, we must make efforts in this area. For example, on Friday morning we pray Nudbah, which is a prayer to renew the covenant with Hazrat Mahdi (AJ) and in it we express our hope for the appearance of that Hazrat. In your opinion, does the poem only take place in the field of literary expression and heal the pain? no! If we want to renew our agreement with Imam Zaman and hope for his appearance, then we must first make ourselves Imam Zaman and try to make ourselves like Imam Zaman (AJ) in the field of action and in every aspect. To be fundamental in our existence is also to know that there are elements to come together and that existence is in the way that the Lord wants and desires and the Almighty God (J) also helps by watching this process. That man can attain higher concepts of prayer. Of course, a person should follow all the religious, moral and religious dimensions of religion and build himself and be ready to struggle as a Mahdavi person to reach the higher concepts of prayer.
Due to lack of time I will not attempt to go into more details about this. But I will mention some of the conditions of those people who are willing to follow the path of Imam Zaman (AJ) and achieve their desired goals in all aspects.
Having political analysis is the first characteristic of Imam Zamani
One characteristic of Imam Zamani is that he has a political spirit. Those who are interested in being associated with the Imam of the time and love and follow him, must have a political spirit and have a political opinion and analysis about the society and today's issues and the situations around them. They need to know which path to take in the chaos of political debate and how to take effective steps to prepare the ground for emergence.
This issue is the creation of a political movement. A political movement is a management movement. Imam Zaman (AJ) will appear and come to lead the humanity of the world. As His followers and as people who come every Friday and show interest in showing our friendship and obedience, are we ready to participate in this arena? If we do not have a political spirit in our lives, we will surely go astray. Those who made a mistake on the day of Ashura and did not accept the way of Imam Hussain (a.s.) and remained neutral or were on the front against Imam Hussain (a.s.) There was no analysis about it. They didn't know what to do. Most of the elements who stood against Imam Hussain (AS) were foolish and ignorant people who were misguided due to the lack of political spirit.
The enemy always talks about the evils of politics for Muslims
Islamic society must have political knowledge and analysis. Yes, the enemy is definitely trying to keep us away from this arena and is talking about the evils of politics and propagandizing that we should stay away from political issues and arenas. From their point of view, politics is bad for Muslims but good for them, having a political spirit is bad for Muslims but good for them, politicians are bad for Muslims but good for Westerners! But one should ask that if it is bad, then why are you a politician and why are you sitting in this queue?!
Our immigration problems in Afghanistan and the world are due to the lack of political analysis
We have nothing apolitical in Islam. The Quran, the Prophet and our imams are political. Our greatest politician today is Hazrat Mahdi (AJ). His deputy, Hazrat Imam Khamenei, is one of the greatest politicians of the century, who sits on the edge of history and works hard to organize and lead human thoughts. Our Afghans must have a political spirit and live in this spirit in every aspect. The problems we have in Afghanistan are due to the lack of political spirit and lack of political analysis. The problems and sufferings we have in the field of refugees is the lack of political analysis at the level of our immigrant community, whether at the level of scholars, academics or the general public. Today, we refugees in the Islamic Republic of Iran are facing various problems in all fields, while there are very high and good capacities for us in the Islamic Republic, and there are very good capacities and facilities, but this without political spirit, we cannot use these places and capacities and work properly and do something to solve our problems.
Why is the situation of banks at refugee level such that traders, investors, traders and common people of our refugees are losing hundreds or even thousands of billions of Tomans? This is very bad for the refugees and also for the Islamic Republic. It discredits the economic system of a country. When the central bank makes such a mistake, it harms investment and endangers Iran's economic affairs.
Let's take a look at the trends that work well in this way.
Unfortunately, the opinion of the general public about the importance of the Islamic system in the world is very low
That is why many of our immigrants, or perhaps most, are against the system. In every gathering of the refugees, bad language and curses are spoken against the system because of the issue of Sindh and school. Look how low the views are and how small we look! A system that is a source of pride for Muslims and all mankind at the world level, a system that is the result of the blood of 124 thousand prophets, a system that is the result of shedding the blood of innocent imams. Especially the martyrs of Karbala, we hate such a system! Why? Because we do not have political analysis and the political spirit does not rule the actions and aspects of our life and thoughts and therefore we make frequent mistakes. If the enemy speaks against this system, we will be happy and say good and different people and groups will come to support him. I witness WhatsApp groups, Facebook telegrams and social networks among refugees, God forbid any person or movement speaks positively about this system and expresses their belief, they will immediately be called a spy by anyone. Be known as when they talk about religion, why do they say that they are spies? You live in a country like the Islamic Republic, you use the space and all the possibilities here, but then you come to this land and curse this system, and it is because of ignorance and ignorance. Ignorant people who hate this system so much and are so against it, it is wrong to live in this country and exist in this space! Well, if it seems bad to you, go somewhere else like Afghanistan or Europe, go wherever you want, but don't act against this system that all Muslims are proud of.
Restrictions on migrant banking pose a threat to Iran's economy
Yes, we have problems at the refugee level, but we are trying to solve the problem without resorting to opposition.
There are problems in the quality of life of refugees, which of course must be solved, and we criticize and object to the existence of these problems and the violations in the government. Why do these problems exist at the immigration level? Why is the situation of banks at refugee level such that businessmen, investors, and common people of our refugees are losing hundreds or even thousands of billions of Tomans? This is very bad for the refugees and also for the Islamic Republic. It discredits the economic system of a country. We are looking for investors and businessmen from different countries to come to the Islamic Republic and invest here. We have had these announcements in Europe, Afghanistan and in different places, but we see that the central bank is making such a mistake, damaging the dignity and prestige of investment and endangering the economic affairs of Iran. I don't know what kind of experts are these who advise the central bank? Now some people say that these problems are temporary and will be solved, well, dust on our heads! Finally, this temporary nature causes hundreds and thousands of billions of losses to the refugee economy and the entire Islamic Republic! Why do you make such a mistake? Sometimes one problem, sometimes another problem, university-level problems, health-level problems, traffic problems, problems in social, political, cultural, security and other areas, problems and problems arise every day. You try to solve one, the other is solved.
Problems should not cause us to abandon the support of the system
Yes sir! We criticize these problems and we speak like men and we do not remain silent. On the day of Ashura, in the presence of thousands of people and in the presence of Iranian and Afghan personalities, we raised our voice about the problems of refugees and took very strict positions, which you read in Ava news agency and on our channel. About 20 problems of the refugees were written and, God willing, we will follow up today during the trip through various competent agencies so that the problems of the refugees are finally solved. But all these problems should not deprive us of this system, we should not stop supporting this system even for a moment. (RA) says that maintaining this system is necessary, that is, it is more obligatory for us and you than prayer and fasting, maintaining this system is more obligatory than any obligatory act that we have. If so, then we should not get into such problems that God forbid we become miserable in this world and the hereafter. It is a sin to oppose this system. It is forbidden to oppose this rule.
The Islamic Republic of Iran is the only independent system in the world
Brothers! As a follower of Imam Zaman (AJ), we must have this political spirit and this analysis, and we must understand that staying in the middle of this analysis and staying in line with the system is one of the acts of worship. Today, the only people who can claim that they love Imam Zaman (AJ) are those who are in line with this system and support this system. Only those who can claim that they are followers of Imam Khamenei and obey his orders. Only this line is the line of Imam Zaman (AJ). Today only this line stands against global arrogance. This is the system that today has an independent movement and stands against the disbelief and hypocrisy of the world. Why should we take advantage of this opportunity and this atmosphere and conditions and why should we stay behind? Why do we always remain so dumb, deaf and blind and miss such opportunities in ignorance? Having a political spirit and correct analysis is one of the characteristics of the followers of Imam Zaman (AJ).
The second characteristic of Imam Zamani (AJ) is to act regularly
The second characteristic of the followers of Imam Zaman (AJ) is to act in an organization. Acting rashly in life is foolishness. Those who are not organized and do not act in a central framework, lose both this world and the next, why? Because basically the problem of organizations is the main principle of creation. Today, you see the structure of the space system, is it regular?
The enemy is trying to disbelieve us with organized movements, but they themselves are doing organized activities. Brothers! The world today is made up of groups that function as an organization. If the arrogant have so much power in the world today and use and rob all the facilities of the world, that is why an organization works.
Are they organized or not? The rising and setting of the sun, the rotation of the stars, and all that you see around you, shows that the system of creation is based on orderly movement. It's not like there's confusion in the end. Our Sharia is also based on an organized movement. If you look at the Qur'an, look at the emergence of Imams and all religious movements, only those religious movements that are based on a regular movement will produce results. Irregular and disorganized movements did not succeed at all. If you see that the movement of Imam Hussain (AS) has reached its conclusion at the international level and is effective as a stormy movement in the way of awakening the thoughts of the world, and if you see that every year more than 30 million people visit Karbala.
That if we claim that we are friends with the Imam of the time and that he will hold our hand in this world and the hereafter, we will be proud of the beloved Prophet of Islam (PBUH), we should act regularly. . And organize ourselves, if we do not take such action, we will lose this world and the hereafter. We cannot claim that God Almighty will unite us with the Prophet of Islam. There we see that we are far behind and others are close to the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, and we protest that sir, we prayed a lot, we fasted a lot, we prayed and so on, so why are we not following the Prophet (PBUH)? Not together? The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) will say: Where in the world were you with us that you want to be with us now? To live with the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, is to act together and be strong. If you want to be one of the Companions of Imam Zaman (AJ) and wait and strengthen yourself and strengthen yourself in economic, cultural, political and social fields, you must be united.
Islamic movement is successful if organized
There are also proud movements in Islamic movements that operate as an organization like Lebanon's Hezbollah. Do you think that this selfless organization has become Lebanon's Hezbollah and will stand against the Israeli army and win? What is one of the most powerful armies in the world? What do you think that Yemen's Ansarullah stood against the international coalition and achieved such greatness for himself that has surprised the whole world? This is because they are mostly Muslim and Shia and follow all Islamic rules including discussion of formation and organization. But the people of Afghanistan, who do not have such an opinion and thought, are poor and suffering, and for more than four decades, they have been dealing with unfortunate incidents inside Afghanistan and also in the world of immigration in Iran and Pakistan.
It is not a matter of pride to be independent
If we are interested in becoming a special soldier of Imam Zaman (AJ) and he listens to our voice and pays attention to our request, then we must act in an organized and coordinated manner and we must have a plan in our lives. To be successful some people are proud that we are not related to anyone. You are wrong that you are not dependent. You are wrong that you have no relationship. It is not a matter of pride not to be attached and not dependent. You should find and join organizations that are truly Islamic and have an anti-arrogance spirit and anti-arrogance plan and support the religion and the school and work for the community. We must be present in this framework until we reach a suitable conclusion. This is the second characteristic of Imam Zamani.
The third characteristic of Imam Zamani is that the people of Imam Zamani should have the thought of forming a government. If the people do not think of forming a government, as some gentlemen say that the government is not our business and that it is up to Imam Zaman (AJ) and that when he appears, he will form the government himself - our duty is that Islam Form the government. Let us prepare the ground for the establishment of Mahdavi's government at the national level. If we do not think about the establishment of an Islamic government, a part of our work will definitely face problems.
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