Publish dateWednesday 17 August 2022 - 08:38
Story Code : 257225
China: America has not learned from the defeat in Afghanistan
As the anniversary of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan approaches, the spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry said that the US has not learned from the failure in Afghanistan and has not stopped interfering politically in the affairs of the countries of the world under the name of "democracy and human rights".
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): As the anniversary of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan approaches, the spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry criticized the interventionist policies of the US against other countries.
Wang Wenbin stated in a daily press conference among reporters: "A year ago, the American military ended their 20-year invasion of Afghanistan by hastily leaving Kabul.”Kabul incident" became a keyword to refer to the disaster in Afghanistan.
The spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry said: "The "Kabul incident" represents the failure of the "democratic transformation" program imposed by the United States. A country's path to democracy can only be independently sought by the people of that country and according to the conditions of that country.
He added: "The path of democracy differs from one country to another, and it will not be effective if it is imposed from outside." The imposition of American democracy on a country has caused its implementation to be disturbed and failed."
In today's press conference, the spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry also stated that the events of last year in Kabul represent the failure of the American method of eliminating small groups.
Wang Wenbin added: ""Kabul events" also represent the failure of America's preferred approach of eliminating small and exclusive groups. America and its allies occupied Afghanistan for 20 years, but finally escaped with a shameful withdrawal. "This so-called 'leader of the Western world' blew his reputation after he decided to abandon his allies in a hasty retreat."
In addition, the spokesperson of the Chinese diplomatic service added that the events in Kabul show the failure of the American hegemony strategy. He said: "Most importantly, the events in Kabul show the hegemonic strategy of America." Since the Cold War, America has attacked countries all over the world under the pretext of democracy and human rights and has interfered in their affairs and created differences and conflicts among them to achieve its own geopolitical goals. Their people are strongly against this process."
He added: "America has failed in Afghanistan, but it is clear that it has not learned its lesson. This country has blocked 7 billion dollars of Afghanistan's foreign assets to disrupt the development and reconstruction process of Afghanistan.
Wang Wenbin continued: "Furthermore, America has never stopped political intervention around the world in the name of democracy and human rights. This country has even tried to create small circles in economic and technological fields.
The spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry also reacted to the visit of a new delegation of US Congress representatives to Taiwan. He considered the action of American lawmakers as a "clear violation" of the One China policy.
The spokesman of the Chinese Foreign Ministry said about the visit of this delegation: "This trip is a clear violation of the One China principle and the provisions of the three US-China joint statements." "This trip also violates China's national sovereignty and territorial integrity and sends the wrong message to Taiwan's separatist forces."
The spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry added: "The principle of China is the main unit of consensus in the international community and a basic norm in international relations. This principle is also considered as the political basis for the formation of diplomatic relations between China and the United States and its development. China's national unity is an unchangeable historical process and the common will of the Chinese people.
He added: "China once again asks the US to respect the principle of one China and the three joint declarations, and resolve issues related to Taiwan carefully."
The spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry emphasized: "China will take serious and strong measures to defend its national sovereignty and territorial integrity." "Associating with separatists in Taiwan and trying to challenge the principle of one China is a misjudgment and will not benefit this small group of American politicians."
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