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Tashkent meeting; The turn of diplomacy

26 Jul 2022 - 14:29

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Daily View: As it was emphasized in the foreign minister's statement, Afghanistan, which is now seen by many countries as a center of crisis, insecurity, instability and a threat to national security, It can become a point of intersection, a connecting axis and an arena of constructive cooperation based on the legitimate interests of major players and lead the region towards new leaps of growth and economic development and security stability.

A delegation of "Islamic Emirate" officials has traveled to Tashkent to participate in an international conference for Afghanistan.
Amir Khan Muttaqi; Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hedayatullah Badri; Acting Minister of Finance and Anas Haqqani; Sirajuddin Haqqani's brother and a number of officials from other ministries are present in the "Islamic Emirate" delegation.
Mr. Muttaqi said that economic and transit issues will be discussed in this conference and how the country can play a role as a connecting point of South and Central Asia.
He said that we have good relations with Uzbekistan and we expect this conference to have a positive impact on Afghanistan's economy, adding that neighboring countries and the region should take advantage of the opportunity to invest in Afghanistan.
Abdulaziz Kamelov last night; The special representative of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in foreign affairs hosted a dinner for the delegation of the "Islamic Emirate", where the railway line of Termez-Mazar-e-Sharif and Kabul-Peshawar was discussed in particular.
As it was emphasized in the foreign minister's statement, Afghanistan, which is now seen by many countries as a center of crisis, insecurity, instability and a threat to national security, can become a meeting point, a connecting axis and an area of ​​constructive cooperation. It should become based on the legitimate interests of big players and lead the region towards new leaps of growth and economic development and security stability.
This unique capacity, which at the same time, was one of the factors of the continuous interventions of the colonial powers and the main reason for the stable crises and deadly wars in the country, is now ready to be productive and actualized; Because there is the necessary will in the statesmen of the country, and the region and the world after decades of proxy war, direct campaigns, occupation approaches and interventionist policies towards our country have now come to the conclusion that there is no other way than interaction and cooperation. In the beating heart of Asia and turning it into a crossroad, there is no legitimate and positive and interest-oriented partnership between the opposite regional and international poles.
In this way, the Tashkent meeting is once again a great and rare opportunity for diplomacy so that Afghanistan and the world can reach an axis for compromise and compromise, under which both stability and sustainable security in the region will be guaranteed and the legitimate interests of all Aspects should be provided in the context of actual and potential opportunities in Afghanistan.
Considering this, the Kabul delegation went to Tashkent with a peaceful, positive and constructive message and expects that the Tashkent meeting will create a new way for interaction and cooperation in the economic, political and security fields between the interested countries and organizations. It will become a platform for a huge and historic transformation in the relations between Afghanistan and the world.
The important point is that the motivation of many great powers to intervene in Afghanistan's affairs in various periods, in addition to imperialist and strategic ambitions, has been unilateral control over economic resources and exclusive access to the rich benefits derived from it; Therefore, the main root of many stable and ongoing insecurities and instabilities in our country is foreign interventions, and these interventions often have economic motives; Therefore, by creating a safe and secure environment for interest-based participation in large and profitable economic and development projects, a powerful axis of beneficiary countries can be created to curb the security challenges and threats in Afghanistan.
As Amir Khan Muttaqi has expressed hope that the neighboring countries and the region will use the opportunity to invest in Afghanistan, the bigger expectation is that the major world powers, including the United States, whose special representatives are also present at the Tashkent meeting, will take advantage of the opportunity. consider what has happened, stop hostilities and instead of destructive, interventionist approaches and resorting to bloody and violent means to protect their legitimate and illegitimate interests in Afghanistan, choose the way of interaction and participate in the field of beneficial productivity Extend the hand of friendship and cooperation from the virgin bed of Afghanistan's promising economy and end their open and hidden enmities against the people of Afghanistan.

Story Code: 256185

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