Publish dateThursday 21 July 2022 - 10:15
Story Code : 255963
More than 7,000 people were infected with cholera in Jawzjan
The health officials of Jawzjan province say that during the last 40 days, more than 7 thousand people in three districts of this province were infected with cholera and 12 people died as a result of this disease.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Mazar-e-Sharif: Abdul Ghani Samim, head of public health in Jawzjan, told Ava today (Thursday: 30 Cancer) that 7,344 people in Mardan, Agcheh and Mengjig districts have been infected with cholera, of which 12 people have died.
The director of public health of Jawzjan added that these people have contracted cholera in the last 40 days.
According to him, among these 7,000 people with cholera, 2,770 people have been admitted to health centers and cholera has had a severe course among them.
Mr. Samim emphasized; The Department of Public Health of Jawzjan has taken action with all the facilities it has and has put the entire institution into operation.
He said that day and night, the health team goes to Kerala's outbreak areas, sprays ponds and water wells and distributes healthy water and spices to the people.
The Head of Public Health of Jawzjan added that the health missionaries also go to the areas affected by this disease and inform the people about the prevention of this disease. According to Samim, currently cholera has been controlled and the number of its patients is decreasing day by day.
This is despite the fact that during the last one month, cholera has spread mostly in southern provinces including Helmand, then Ghazni and Zabul and central provinces including Daikundi, and dozens of people have died as a result of contracting it.
At the same time as the cholera outbreak increased, Balkh Public Health Directorate opened a 70-bed treatment unit for cholera patients earlier this week.
According to the Director of Public Health of Balkh, no case of cholera has been recorded in Balkh so far and the patients living in Jawzjan are being treated in this center.
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