Publish dateTuesday 14 July 2020 - 09:09
Story Code : 214487
Khalilzad reacts to Taliban car bomb attack in Samangan province
The U.S. envoy for Afghan peace Zalmay Khalilzad reacted to a car bomb attack in northern Samangan province which the Taliban group claimed responsibility for.
“We condemn today’s attack. The use of major explosives to detonate a vehicle in a provincial capital is unacceptable and will strengthen those who oppose peace and plays into the hands of spoilers. All sides must reduce violence,” Khalilzad said in a statement posted on Twitter.
Zabiullah Mujahid, a spokesperson for the Taliban group issued a statement on Twitter on Monday claiming that the group carried out the attack.
Mujahid went on to claim that the attack killed 47 personnel of the Afghan intelligence forces and wounded at least 72 others.
Meanwhile, the local authorities claim that the gun battle followed by a car bomb explosion in Aibak city of Samangan claimed the lives of at least 10 people.
The officials also added that the attack left at least 50 others wounded.
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