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Majority of Afghan lawmakers catch coronavirus

Afghan Voce Agency(AVA) , 11 Jul 2020 - 17:05

Between 60 and 70 percent of Afghan lawmakers have caught coronavirus, some MPs said on Saturday.

Most of the lawmakers who caught the virus have recovered while others are under self-quarantine, said Simin Barekzai, an MP representing western Herat province.
She said that the absence of lawmakers in the parliament was concerning as nominee ministers would be referred for approval.
“I hope that those who are under self-quarantine recover and complete the parliament’s strength,” she said.
Meanwhile, a private hospital in Kabul said that a number of government officials and parliamentarians visited it for coronavirus test and some got it as positive.
Afghanistan health ministry has registered 34,366 coronavirus cases and 994 deaths attributed to it.

Story Code: 214294

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