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COVID-19: 546 New Cases, 21 Deaths Reported in Afghanistan

Afghan Voice Agency(AVA) , 20 Jun 2020 - 13:29

The Ministry of Public Health on Saturday reported 546 new positive cases of COVID-19 out of 1,459 samples tested in the last 24 hours. The ministry also reported 21 new deaths and 330 recoveries.

The total cases are now 28,424 while the total deaths are 569 and the recoveries stand at 8,292, according to Public Health Ministry.
The new cases were reported in Kabul (173), Herat (132), Khost (68), Paktika (31), Takhar (26), Daikundi (19), Kunar (18), Farah (16), Paktia (9), Nuristan (9), Balkh (6), Panjshir (6), Samangan (5), Helmand (4), Kandahar (4) and Nangarhar (3).
The deaths were reported in Khost (9), Kabul (7), Helmand (3), Paktia (1) and Takhar (1).
The recoveries were reported in Kabul (110), Paktika (108), Balkh (28), Takhar (22), Wardak (20), Khost (17), Kunar (13), Nuristan (8), and Paktia (4).
So far, the ministry has tested 63,951 samples in the country’s laboratories. There are 19,563 active cases of the coronavirus in the country, according to the ministry.

Story Code: 212519

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