Publish dateThursday 16 April 2020 - 11:14
Story Code : 207913
Ghani urges Taliban to positively respond to demands of UN, regional countries, Afghan nation
President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani has urged the Taliban group to positively respond to the demands of the United Nations, the regional countries, Afghan nation and the Afghan government, pertaining ceasefire.
Ghani urged the Taliban group to declare a ceasefire and end hostilities in his message which he published regarding the precautions to prevent the outbreak of COVID-19 disease.
This comes as the Taliban group resumed attacks against the Afghan forces shortly after signing a peace deal with the U.S. government, following a 7-day reduction in violence late in the month of February.
Meanwhile, reports indicate that the Taliban group carried out more than 2,000 attacks across the country following the signing of the peace deal with the United States.
Meanwhile, the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission has said at least 83 civilians were killed and 119 others were wounded after the signing of peace deal between Taliban and Washington.
Source : Afghan Voice Agency(AVA)
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