Publish dateSaturday 11 January 2020 - 16:13
Story Code : 200329
Rising food prices: People of Paktia
The people of Paktia province complain about the rising prices of food in the province. They want the government to take action in this regard.

According to the people, shopkeepers there, have increased the rates since the Afghan currency have been promoted to the market replacing Pakistani rupees. It is said that now that Afghani is the only currency to be traded with, the shopkeepers have given the same rate as of the Pakistani rupees, whilst Pakistani rupees whose price is half of that of the Afghanis.
The people of Paktia want the government to resolve the issue. Abdul Wakil, a resident of Gardez city, says “Food is being sold at the same price as in Pakistani rupees.” He adds “The government should declare a price list for shopkeepers in order to put an end to the issue.”
Officials in the province acknowledge the problem and say that a committee will be set up to control the rate of food in the market. Abdullah Hasrat, spokesperson for the Governor of Paktia, says that the process of embedding Afghan currency into the market is being successfully implemented in the province. He adds that there are indeed complaints about high prices and that they have taken serious measures to sort it out.
Meanwhile, in recent months, officials and residents of a number of provinces have launched a campaign to replace the currency of neighboring countries with Afghanis. The initiative has been welcomed by the majority.
Source : ariananews
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