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Japan Provides $7.2 Million to Improve Literacy in Afghanistan

خبرگزاری Herat Afghan Voice Agency(AVA) , 17 Oct 2019 - 0:25

Ministry of Education (MoE) said the agreement of 7.2 million for “Project for the improvement of the Quality and the Promotion of the Accelerated Non-formal Education Programme (ANEP)” has been singed at the Embassy of Japan in Kabul between the government of Japan and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

MoE in a statement on Wednesday said that the signing ceremony for the project was attended by Dr. Mohammad Mirwais Balkhi Acting Minister of Education, Mr. Takahashi YOSHIYAKI, Chargé de’ Affairs ad interim of the Embassy of Japan, Ms. Patricia McPhilips, UNESCO Representative in Afghanistan and Dr. Sardar Mohammad Rahimi, Deputy Minister of Education for Literacy.
Minister Balkhi, appreciated the government and people of Japan for their contribution and added that the key objective of ANEP would be to help the Deputy Ministry of Education for Literacy (DMoEL) in establishing literacy and adult education centres, professionalization of the literacy school as well as in developing necessary policy documents for the Accelerated Education for youths and adults in Afghanistan which will be a focus of the MoE in the education decade.
Meanwhile, Mr. Takahashi YOSHIYAKI, Chargé de’ Affairs ad interim of the Embassy of Japan to Kabul said that through the effective execution of this programme, adult literacy rate will further be enhanced and graduates of the programme will be employed for pursuing a better life in Afghanistan.”
This comes as MoE on 27 August said that around 10 million illiterate people exist around Afghanistan. In order to eradicate this problem, along with efforts of the ministry, there is a need for public mobilization in collaboration with civil society, volunteers, partner institutions and organizations.


Story Code: 193304

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