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Hafiz Multan, Taliban’s deputy Red Unit commander killed in Kandahar

Afghan Voice Agency(AVA) , 8 Jul 2019 - 14:34

The security forces killed the deputy Red Unit commander of Taliban during a clash in southern Kandahar province.

The Police Chief of Kandahar Gen. Tadin Khan Achakzai said a clash broke out between Afghan forces and Taliban militants in Panjwai district late on Sunday night.
Gen. Tadin Khan said the security forces killed Hafiz Multan, the deputy commander of the Red Unit of Taliban during the clash.
Furthermore, Gen. Tadin Khan said Hafiz Multan was in charge of the Red Unit command of Taliban in Panjwai, Zherai, Khakriz and Maiwand districts.
The Taliban group has not commented regarding the killing of Hafiz Multan so far

Story Code: 188000

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