Publish dateMonday 20 May 2019 - 00:40
Story Code : 185379
Taliban militants raped two young girls in Faryab
Parents of two young girls from Andkhoi district of Faryab province on Sunday claimed that Taliban militants have gang-raped their daughters.
AVA- The family has moved to the capital of Jawzjan province, seeking justice from the government.
Mother of the victims told media that two of the culprits were living in their neighborhood in Faryab province.
She further said that they have complained to the senior Taliban militants in the area but no action was taken.
The father of the family further claimed that the insurgents have threatened them to death.
However, a Taliban spokesman says the culprits are not members of the militant group but accepts the incident happened in the area under their control. He vows to investigate the issue.
At the same time, a security official in Andkhoi district Faryab said that efforts are underway to identify and punish the culprits.
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