Publish dateSunday 24 March 2019 - 20:50
Story Code : 181994
Ghani says Insurgents Intensify Violence to Gain Benefit at the Table
The anti-government insurgent groups have intensified their terror attacks in order to gain more benefits at the negotiation table, President Ashraf Ghani said on Sunday.
AVA- “It is common that violence has increased in any country that seeks to reach a peace agreement. This shouldn’t terrify us. It takes time and more focus because these type of activities are mainly focused to gain more benefits,” Ghani said.
He warned the insurgent groups that their activities will not deter the people of Afghanistan from development and progress that they are willing to achieve.
Meanwhile, the Head of High Peace Council Secretariat Mohammad Omar Daudzai said that preparations are underway for holding a consultative meeting for peace in the capital Kabul.
“We need an international willingness to reach to peace which is available. The U.S.-Taliban direct negotiation is just an example. Last year, we could not imagine direct talks between U.S. and Taliban representatives,” Daudzai said.
These comments come as Taliban representatives have directly engaged with the United State to reach a peace agreement. The insurgent group has so far refused to set with the Afghan government.
The Afghan government is planning to hold a huge consultative meeting regarding the peace process next month in Kabul where citizens from different parts of the country will come together to express their views regarding the peace and reconciliation process.
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