Publish dateSaturday 23 March 2019 - 21:10
Story Code : 181955
Imam Khamenei: Iran will defeat enemy in economic war, but it is not enough
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Imam Khamenei says the enemy is waging an “economic war" on Iran, but the country will defeat it.
AVA- "The enemy is engaged in an economic war on us. We must defeat the enemy in this war and God willing we will defeat it, but it is not enough," he told a huge crowd at the Imam Reza (AS) shrine in Mashhad Thursday.
"Beside defeating the enemy, we must establish deterrence" in the economic sphere, the Leader said on the occasion of the new Iranian year of 1398 which started on Thursday.
Imam Khamenei touched on "unrealistic speculations" about threats to Iran in the new year, dismissing them as the end result of the enemy's psychological war. 
"The enemies of this nation, in addition to what they do in reality, also wage a psychological warfare and make boastful exclamations which should be taken as they are," he said.
“I believe the year 1398 with divine grace will be the year of opportunities, possibilities and opening - not threats,” the Leader said.
Imam Khamenei touched on US sanctions, saying they are an opportunity to identify Iran's weaknesses and improve the country's administration in the coming years. 
"Sanctions can be an opportunity because experience has shown that countries with natural resources such as oil, whenever their revenues have fallen, they have found motivation to implement economic reforms and rescue themselves from reliance on oil."
The Leader said extensive studies have already begun at the governmental, research and academic levels to find out how to run the country with non-oil revenues.
"As long as oil revenues are abundantly at their disposal, government officials and others will not think of an economic reform in the country."
Economic deterrence 
Imam Khamenei cited the "Sacred Defense" years of 1980-1988 when Iran had to fight a war with Iraq's former dictator Saddam Hussein amid an international embargo on Tehran.
"The enduring of hardships during the war led those with ideas and thoughts to change military reliance on outsiders as a result of which the Islamic Republic of Iran is now better and superior than all the regional countries in terms of military and defense capabilities."
Imam Khamenei also said, “To the dismay of the enemies, we will continue to reinforce our defense strength and will not give in to outside pressure.”
Iran, he said, must emulate its defense industry to insulate its economy. "We must reach a point of deterrence where the enemy realizes that it cannot use economic infiltration to harm and pressure us."
The Leader said, "The Islamic Republic of Iran has a strong fist and a powerful hand to reach this point and possibility in economic matters and the opportunity has been put in front of us in light of the enemies' threats."
In order to create an economic deterrence, he said, Iran should fully cease to think of Western help. "We can expect intrigue, betrayal, and stabbing in the back from the West but not help and honesty.”
Europeans not trustworthy 
Imam Khamenei said the Europeans had failed to fulfill their commitments after the US withdrawal from a 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). 
"Despite the US pullout, the Europeans should have carried out their obligations under the JCPOA with stoicism but they refused to do so under various pretexts." 
A new trade channel known as Instex, established by the European Union to purportedly cushion the blow of reimposed US sanctions on Iran, "is more like a bitter joke," the Leader said. 
"Although Western politicians wear suits, neckties and eau de cologne and carry Samsonite briefcases in their hands, they are wild inside in the true sense of the word." 
Imam Khamenei also criticized some individuals and sections of the media in Iran for being "engaged in adorning the West."
"I don't mean we should cut ties with Western countries because I have always encouraged different administrations in different periods to develop ties with them but this also does not mean we should follow them since the West should not be trusted."
Iran's current problems, the Leader said, are partly due to trusting the West in various negotiations. "Today, government officials have come to the conclusion that it is impossible to move with the West on the right path."
Imam Khamenei further slammed the Europeans for their reaction to the recent massacre of Muslim worshipers at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand.
"Neither European politicians nor their media would bother to call it a terrorist act. They called it a shooting," Imam Khamenei said. 
"Whenever there is something against someone favored by the West, terrorism and human rights are lined up for confrontation, but here such a blatant act is not called terrorist. Such are they," he added. 
Not worried by Saudi nuclear plans
The Leader cited Western support for the Saudi regime despite its devastating war on Yemen and elimination of dissidents, touching on recent reports about a multibillion-dollar US plan to build nuclear reactors in the kingdom.    
"I do not know of any regime in the region and perhaps the world as bad as the Saudi government. It is not only despotic, dictatorial, corrupt and tyrannical but also sycophantic," he said. 
"They want to supply such a government with nuclear equipment. They have announced to build missile manufacturing centers for it. Here, they see no problem because (Saudi Arabia) depends on them and belongs to them.
"Of course, if they build them, I personally will not be upset because I know that God willing they [the facilities] will fall into the hands of Muslim Mujahedin in the not too distant future,” the Leader said.
Nothing can stop Iranian will
With Iran facing its "second phase" of the Islamic Revolution, the country has to identify its advantages and capacities and use them to shield against shortcomings and weaknesses, Imam Khamenei said. 
"The West and the United States have come to the conclusion that if the nation of Iran decides to achieve something, nothing can stop its will. Hence, they are trying to weaken the willpower of the Iranian nation."
The Leader said, "Today, the enemies should open their blind eyes to the most advanced industries in Iran making their presence felt in the face of Western industries."
Imam Khamenei stressed the need to support entrepreneurs with a Jihadist spirit as he underlined promotion of domestic production in line with "resistant economy".
Earlier Thursday, the Leader called the new Iranian year as the "Year of Economic Boom." 
"In a jihad, literate and efficient people will find the right ways with scientific methods, and thus the economy will flourish," he said.
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