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Imam Khamenei: Boosting Production Pivotal Issue of New Iranian Year

خبرگزاری Herat Afghan Voice Agency(AVA) , 21 Mar 2019 - 17:01

Leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei, reiterated the need to promote the country’s economy and increase the national production.

AVA- In a message issued on the occasion of new Iranian year, known as Nowruz, Imam Khamenei praised the Iranian people for showing “a strong and robust reaction to the severe and allegedly unprecedented sanctions imposed by the United States and Europe both in the political and economic domains.”
“The people managed to show their power, their grandeur and their greatness in the face of the enmity and malevolence of the enemies and thereby – thank God – increase the reputation of our nation, our Revolution and our Islamic Republic,” Imam Khamenei said in the message.
His eminence noted meanwhile, that the main problem of the country continues to be economic problems.
“What I would like to mention in this regard is that the country’s urgent and serious matter and its priority in the present time is the issue of the economy.  Regarding the economy, the issues that we have are many: the issue of the decrease in the value of the national currency is an important matter. The same is true of people’s purchasing power. The same condition exists regarding factories, their lowered capacity and the closing down of some of them. These are the problems. Based on research and having benefitted from the viewpoints of experts, one concludes that the key to all these problems is the expansion of national production.”
The leader stressed that this year, the issue of production is of great importance.
“I would like to make the issue of production the pivot of our activities. By Allah’s favor, in my new year’s speech, I will explain what I mean by ‘production’. If production is boosted, it can solve livelihood problems, it can ensure the country’s independence from foreigners and from the enemies, it can eliminate unemployment and it can solve the problems related to the decrease in the value of the national currency to a great extent.”
Imam Khamenei then called this year: ““The Year of Boosting Production”.
“Everyone should try to do what they can to boost production in the country. By Allah’s favor, from the beginning to the end of the year, this notion should be completely tangible in the country. If this happens, we hope that the solution to economic problems will be achieved, God willing.”

Story Code: 181881

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