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Saudi war machine kills 3 Yemeni civilians every day: Report

خبرگزاری Herat Afghan Voice Agency(AVA) , 20 Mar 2019 - 5:41

Every day, three civilians are killed in Yemen amid the deadly campaign led by the regime in Riyadh against the impoverished country, says a report co-sponsored by aid group Oxfam.

AVA- Since mid-December 2018, persisting violence and war have killed one person every eight hours, according to the report, which was published on Tuesday.
The date is when a UN-sponsored ceasefire was agreed between Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement and Saudi-backed forces during talks in Sweden. The Stockholm negotiations were supposed to come up with a mechanism to end the war on Yemen that began in March 2015. 
The report further said the number of fatalities had doubled in the provinces of Hajjah and Ta'izz.
Although a truce had reduced hostilities in Hudaydah, the report said, a third of over 230 civilians killed nationwide, including 56 children, were reported in that province. 
Civilian death toll, which the UN reported was as high as 100 a week in 2018, has dropped but it remains unacceptably high following the ceasefire, the report said. 
Muhsin Siddiquey, Oxfam’s Yemen Country Director, said more Yemenis were also dying due to lack of food and basic necessities.
“Every day that passes without concrete progress towards peace, more Yemenis lose their lives and the suffering deepens for those struggling to find food and shelter amid the world’s worst humanitarian disaster.”
“The backers of the warring parties are complicit in this man-made crisis; we call on them to stop arming the belligerents. They and the rest of the international community need to do all they can to help bring about a lasting peace in Yemen.”
A number of Western countries, the United States and Britain in particular, supply the Saudi-led forces with advanced weapons and military equipment as well as logistical and intelligence assistance.

Story Code: 181805

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