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Security forces fail to arrest Abdul Hamid Khurasani in Kabul siege

خبرگزاری Afghn Voice Agency(AVA) , 9 Jan 2019 - 1:19

Security forces on Tuesday afternoon besieged the office of Nehzat-i-Islami Muqawmat party in Kabul to arrest the office head, Abdul Hamid Khurasani, sources said.

AVA- Ahmad Fardin, a member of the Nehzat-i-Islami Muqawamat office, told media over the telephone that their office in Khirkhana locality remained besieged by security forces from 12pm till 2pm.
An official at the Ministry of Interior affair, wished to go unnamed, told that Nehsat-i-Islami Muqawmat office, a branch of the Jamiat-i-Islami party, was besieged as per directives of the new acting interior minister Amrullah Saleh.
He said security forces were trying to detain Abdul Hamid Khurasani, chief of the Nehsat-i-Islami Muqawmat office.
After the incident, the Nehsat-i-Islami Muqwamat chief in Kabul confirmed in a voice clip that two of his personnel were injured during the security forces’ siege.
Khurasani has accused the government of racism, discrimination and injustice.
A while back he wrote in a “what’s up” group  that the Nehzat-i-Islami Muqawmat has warned the Kabul Garrison and the Presidential Palace about our people being killed by Daesh and sometimes by Taliban militants and both Daesh and Taliban leadership are under the control of the ARG …….Now the Nehzat-i-Islami Muqawmat warns the Kabul  Garrison and security forces that if there are hideous and anti-human plans of defeating and sending suicide bombers to Ahmad Shah Massoud caravans on his martyrdom day or if they will target the caravans, they will immediately attack the members of the Garrison forces with all the tools at hand, and take their troops from the security forces”
However, a message from the movement states its goals include justice, peace, security, unity, defense of the country, fight against bias and ethnicity.


Story Code: 177497

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