Publish dateTuesday 11 September 2018 - 11:36
Story Code : 170507
Ghani chairs high level security meeting in the Ministry of Defense
President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani chaired the meeting of the Commander-in-Chief in the Ministry of Defense on Monday evening to review the recent developments in the security sector and situation of the country.

According to a statement released by the Office of the President, ARG Palace, the security and defense officials presented their reports regarding the situation of the country.
The statement further added that President Ghani hailed the bravery of the national defense and security forces and instructed the security and defense officials to take strict actions against the conspiracies of the enemy to thwart their plans and ensure security of the people.
Security arrangements during the Ashura Day was also discussed during the meeting and it was emphasized that security delegation and people should work closely to ensure necessary security arrangements are place during the 10th of Muharam (Ashura Day), ARG Palace said.
The meeting also reviewed the security situation of Jawzjan, Faryab, Sar Pul, Baghlan, Kunduz, Maidan Wardak, Ghazni, and Farah provinces and the security and defense officials were instructed to take necessary steps for the betterment of the security in these provinces, the statement by ARG Palace added.
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