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Chabahar important for transit of Afghan goods

خبرگزاری Afghn Voice Agency(AVA) , 4 Sep 2018 - 15:04

Advisor to the President of Afghanistan and the chairman of the Afghan Airfields Economic Development Commission said Chabahar Port and Free Zone in southern Iran play an important role in the development and transit of Afghan goods and can connect the country to free waters.

AVA- In a meeting with Chabahar Free Zone officials, Dawood Sultanzoy said, 'Chabahar is very important for Afghanistan and it is crucial for the country in terms of trade, transit and exporting goods.'
He added it is necessary to expand commercial, economic and political relations with Iran to develop Afghanistan's economy.
Sultanzoy said getting familiar with the economic, trade and transit potentials, the function of the free zone, management, legal facilities and meeting the local officials are among the goals of his trip to Chabahar. He noted Iran and Afghanistan's economic cooperation is of benefit to the region and should be enhanced. 
The chairman of the Afghan Airfields Economic Development Commission went on to say, 'We have started taking measures to boost economic relations and we will take important steps with the help of Iran.'
In the same vein, Abdolrahim Kordi, the managing director of Chabahar Free Zone stated Chabahar is the best place for Afghanistan's economic activities due to its strategic position and access to free waters. 
'Through Chabahar Free Zone, Iran and Afghanistan can double their economic activities', Kurdi added.
Dawood Sultanzoy and his delegation began the two-day visit to Iran on Monday. 

Story Code: 170037

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