Publish dateTuesday 6 February 2018 - 19:26
Story Code : 157758
ARG-Jamiat Resume Talks As UNAMA Urges Peaceful Settlement
A Jamiat spokesman says government and Jamiat-e-Islami still disagree over key issues including the upcoming elections and national ID cards.

AVA- After a two week delay, the Presidential Palace (ARG) and Jamiat-e-Islami party of Afghanistan have reportedly resumed their negotiations in a bid to break the stalemate that erupted between the two sides following the dismissal of Atta Mohammad Noor as Balkh governor.

Delegations from the two sides entered dialogue for the tenth consecutive round on Tuesday at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Kabul. However, sources speaking on condition of anonymity, said the talks ended without any breakthrough.

Noor who still insists he is the legitimate governor of Balkh has meanwhile fired Sholgarah district governor from his post.

“Differences exist on a number of issues such as electronic identity cards, election reforms and the issue of party-based parliament and some other issues,” said Zabi Fetrat, deputy spokesman of Jamiat.

According to sources, the upcoming elections in the country is one of the core issues between the two sides.

Sources say government has asked the United Nations to undertake a technical assessment of the issue so that it can take a decision based on the UN study.

“President (Ashraf Ghani) should not have fired Mr. Noor, but he fired him. He (Ghani) should not have negotiated with him, but now he is negotiating. The president must abide by the law,” said MP Helai Ershad.

Meanwhile, United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) said the international body wants the government-Jamiat rift to be resolved as soon as possible.

“Responding to requests from the parties involved, UNAMA is engaged in looking to support a peaceful resolution at the earliest possible time. As a political mission mandated to support conflict prevention, UNAMA uses its offices to prevent violence and promote stability. The international community is committed to assisting Afghanistan hold credible elections in 2018.  We trust that all Afghans are doing all they can to ensure the polls happen this year,” UNAMA spokesman Liam McDowall told TOLOnews.

But a defiant Noor continues to work as Balkh governor.

“The decision was made as per the direction of his excellency the governor of Balkh and on the request of the people,” said Munir Farhad, spokesman to Noor, referring to the dismissal of Sholgarah district governor.

“Someone else replaced me as Sholgarah district governor. I was given the assurance to be appointed as district governor in another district,” said Siraj Abid, the former district governor of Sholgarah.

Presidential Palace has not commented on the issue.

The Independent Directorate of Local Governance (IDLG) has not reacted to Noor’s move on the dismissal of the Sholgarah district governor.

Source : Afghan Voice Agency(AVA)
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