Publish dateSaturday 25 November 2017 - 19:56
Story Code : 153755
Barmak Rules Out Discrimination In MoI
Wais Ahmad Barmak says the letter was not aimed at fueling discrimination in the ministry of interior.

 AVA-Acting Minister of Interior at a press conference on Saturday defended a leaked letter of the security agency, which reportedly had discriminatory nature.
Barmak said “the Ministry of Interior is a national institution and there is no type of discrimination in the ministry”.
He said the letter was not written to fuel discrimination.
The Interior Ministry’s official wrote the letter to balance the formation of ethnic groups in the ministry, he said.
“I will turn Ministry of Interior (MoI) into a national institution and into an organization that provides quality services to the people,” he said.
In the letter, leaked to media last week, the commander of Afghan Public Protection Force allegedly called on officials to send him a list of names of at least 500 anti-riot officers who were of Hazara, Pashtun, Uzbek and other ethnicities - except Tajiks.
Meanwhile, he briefed reporters on his future to improve the Afghan police.
“From now on, Interior Ministry officials will be appointed through a transparent process and based on merit. No more relations and influence,” he said. “Within a month, Ministry of Interior will establish a system which will ensure direct communication between people and the ministry’s leadership.”
This comes after President Ashraf Ghani on Friday assigned the Attorney General’s Office to probe a “the leaked discriminatory document” of the Ministry of Interior.
Presidential Palace said in a statement on Friday that the Attorney General’s Office was assigned by President Ghani to investigate the document and act against the perpetrators.
President Ghani has meanwhile assigned Ministry of Interior to reveal all the facts and the steps taken against the issue in a press conference, the statement said.
According to the statement, the interior ministry has been assigned to cooperate with the Attorney General’s Office in this respect.

Source : Afghan Voice Agency(AVA)
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