Publish dateSunday 2 July 2017 - 14:21
Story Code : 145673
Ghani insists on ‘reconciliation first with Pakistan’ to bring peace in Afghanistan
President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani says the Afghan government is not asking Pakistan to bring peace in Afghanistan as the Afghan government wants reconciliation with the country, apparently pointing towards his earlier remarks regarding an undeclared war being waged in Afghanistan.

AVA- Speaking a gathering for the introduction of the new high peace council chief, President Ghani said the Afghan government and nation wants peace with Pakistan, emphasizing that Afghanistan is not expecting Pakistan to bring peace.

The Afghan President has long been insisting that the country is facing an undeclared war as the Afghan officials accuse Pakistan for supporting and providing sanctuaries to the terrorist groups in its soil.

Earlier, President Ghani had said that for peace in Afghanistan it is important that the Afghan government should reach to a peace agreement with Pakistan first.

He said last year that the Taliban insurgents would not last even for a month in case they do not receive support from the outside, pointing towards Pakistan.

In his speech during the Munich security conference, President Ghani said it would be difficult to bring peace and end the conflict in Afghanistan as long as the distinction by certain regional elements exist regarding the good and bad terrorists.

The Afghan officials have long been insisting that the leadership councils of the Taliban group and the notorious Haqqani terrorist network are based in Peshawar, Quetta, and other parts of Pakistan from where they plan and coordinate attacks in Afghanistan.

The Afghan officials earlier said that the deadly explosion near the embassy of Germany in Kabul was plotted by the Haqqani network in Pakistan, although the leaders of the network and the Taliban have rejected their role in the devastating attack that killed over one hundred and fifty people.

“Afghan oriented militant groups, including the Taliban and Haqqani Network, retain freedom of action inside Pakistani territory and benefit from support from elements of the Pakistani Government,” Pentagon said in a report last month.

The report further added “Although Pakistani military operations have disrupted some militant sanctuaries, certain extremist groups—such as the Taliban and the Haqqani Network—were able to relocate and continue to operate in and from Pakistan. The United States continues to convey to Pakistan at all levels the importance of taking action against all terrorist and extremist groups.”

Source : Afghan Voice Agency(AVA)
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